$100 giveaway contest register here
How I meet Mr Right! click here
As you can imagine, for me, Valentine’s Day is highly anticipated not only for the romantic idea of celebrating the big L but also for the memories that accompany this special celebration. The q uestion I get the most around this day is “how do you celebrate?” my answer: it varies, I never know what is going to happen and since it is contiguous to my birthday, I will probably have returned from a trip, therefore I enjoy staying in town and celebrating with my children too.
But what to give to Mr. Lizo247, this is the question! He likes to surprise me and he expects the same for him, which I think is sweet and fun but he puts me in a dilema, therefore I usually choose something that he wears and reminds him of that day, something engraved with special words and our initials. This year I’m beyond excited about his JORD watch, they are unique handmade pieces with a great design plus I like the idea of giving him a break from his electronic and classic piece.
The WOOD watch I chose, is this one below, which I must emphasize, he LOVED it from the moment he opened the box, we were impressed with the details, they are fabulous and well crafted, I could see in his face, he was going to enjoy it.
as As you can see the box itself it’s so beautiful and well crafted, its includes a special cloth and pen to touch up your watch if needed.
You guys know me, I wouldn’t recommend something I don’t truly like or have tried, this is no exception, I wanted to share all this sooner but I decided to wait until I gathered more details and after observing him, I can tell you that I nailed it! it’s his second Sunday with the watch and he has already integrated it to his routine of switching watches for different occasions or moments throughout his day.
Here are some of my favorite pieces for men and women, I hope the hubs gets the hints and give the Cassia in Zebra and Beige! click on the image to enter the giveaway for $100 gift card, win instantly a %10 off just by registering (contest will close on 01/28/2018 at 11:59pm. Both the $100 and the $25 codes will expire on 02/11/2018.)
These are my favorite Women’s Watches, I can see all the different ways that I will style mine!
These two are my top men’s Picks, along with the one I chose for the hubs.
Thank you for reading and sharing and don’t forget that gifts, are just the cherry on top, nothing replaces the kisses and hugs from and to your love ones!
What do you think?