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Zapisz Zapisz

My Easter Bunny


Well, Easter right?

Let me tell you a little bit about the way we celebrate it, it’s definitely about the family with children being the center of attention, when not!. We have a young family, lots of nephews and only one niece, that’s right my daughter, AKA her majesty Princess Ivanna, who happens to be into cooking just the way I was at her age, with a little difference, she likes to prepare desserts and me, honestly, not so much, but still it’s a great balance because she motivates me to do it… as her helper though,  washing the dishes and cleaning after her little mess.😁


She saved a couple of recipes she found on youtube, confetti vanilla cake with lemon frosting, rices krispies with colorful peeps and arroz con leche (rice pudding) this last one is because she misses grandma, this dessert is their thing, they cook it together whenever my mom is in town, I know, sniff.

She likes her rice pudding solid, I prefer it liquid  but again I’m just the sous-chef  here.

Since preparing  dessert is not my thing,  I tend to put my hands in a lot of ingredients that are pre-made trying to be as selective as possible, I watch my children’s sugar intake so they can appreciate and enjoy treats in special occasions and you bet these Rice Krispies are loaded.

But for her, THE CAKE is everything!

She has put a lot of enthusiasm on this, the least I can do is to make the experience even more fun, this is  our moment, when she said let’s bake a cake I said let’s make one but in layers, she says lemon frosting, I say strawberry filling with light frosting or even better let it be naked! she bursts out laughing saying, “who needs all that sugar anyway” 🤓

This is our first time cutting a cake in layers so symmetry was not invited, a little strawberry jelly here and there, frosting for decoration, and a purple PEEP with almonds eggs as topper, too cute to eat it!

And Voilà, desserts are ready,   isn’t it cool to do things  just for the pleasure of it?

The rest of the Easter menu will consist in light bites accompanied by shrimp and watermelon ceviche, wac and chips, basil baked potatoes, arugula and apple salad, aaaaand let’s not forget about the juicy steaks, lucky me my brother is a great barbecuer, so he is in charge of them. 😋

Is it my turn yet?🙆

On the other hand what actually brings content to my heart is setting up the table, I’m not a pro but I deeply enjoy it , Easter is the perfect Spring reunion where I can incorporate different colors into the characteristic pastels of this holiday.

I’ll keep it Eclectic, a tip to not overdoing it, is to use one dominant style or patten, in this case, I focused in the Mackenzie Childs checkered collection, I have a huge fixation for this brand, it’s  like owning props from a fairytale movie.

The only new acquisition this time was the egg garland from hobby lobby, I always wait till last minute to buy seasonal decorations, discounts are in order!,  next year I’ll reuse them in a different way, so my little investment is safe.


I need no reason to have fresh flowers adorning my space, for some people these are the final touch or complement, for me, they are the main focus,  therefore the vases have to be as cute as possible, anything that can hold flowers and water would do, like this pitcher, isn’t it darling?

I mostly get my flowers from blooms at HEB, you can’t beat the convenience of it,  besides, they have a great selection and friendly  prices, I can spend most of my grocery shopping time in this section chatting with the florist, I always learn something new from them,  for example, orchids don’t really need soil, just nutrients from the air. 😳

I can’t hide my frenesí, can’t  help it!  I like to have my peeps over and make sure they have a great time, so far so good, thanks to Ivanna, I have some sweets done, even though they are childish her aunts and uncles always  make a big deal about it, she feels like a real Pastry Chef.👩‍🍳

This is how we’ve spent our Holy Saturday, I know my baby girl will not be a child forever that’s why having moments like these are a must, hashtag Memories Are Forever 😉

Thanks for reading and Happy Easter friends!


 Co-writter Ivanna Ferreira,  (emojis mainly)☺️


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