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Meeting David Yurman [Gift Ideas part 2]


A few days ago you saw on my stories that I was sharing sneak peeks of David Yurman’s book presentation, well we finally have the mini interview  here along  with a few photos of the event linking my favorite pieces of jewelry and the book, which this makes my Gift Ideas número #2 see part #1 here.

with Xitlat NM PR Director  and Tamara,  Sales Associate. 

But credits first, I can’t thank enough  Neiman Marcus San Antonio’s PR Director  Xitlat Salazar, she is a beautiful visionary woman with a heart of gold, she invited a few other bloggers and journalists to be part of this presentation and gave us the opportunity to sit down for 5 with Mr. Yurman to ask him 3 questions, these were my picks.

After the interview, we all met at the Men’s Shop, were the main interview was taking place,(Highlights of this one will be add soon)  here I had the opportunity to have my book signed which now is proudly displayed on my coffee table, I’m telling you, it looks phenomenal, is the perfect Christmas gift for your friends or for you! wink wink!

At the moment of the interview, Mr. Yurman told the story of  how the idea of the CABLE was conceived and the more details he shared the more I realized that I didn’t know as much as I thought about him or the brand, for instance  that he comes from humble means and worked his way up, that by itself explains it all,  I heart his jewelry even more, Mr. Yurman you have another  devoted fan in me.

Continuing with the agenda, Shopping time! I can’t deny it, I was excited browsing  the new designs and of course a few caught my eye, I’m tagging Santa for sure, here are my selections.

The mark of a great man is one who knows when to set aside the important things in order to accomplish the vital ones. 

After trying pieces and greeting  friends,  Mr Yurman made his last appearance and  kindly spent a few moments with  us, it’s amazing how he has an eye for everything, he can admire  someone’s accessories and develop a conversation around it, I heard him complementing this ladie’s jewelry (not his brand) true pieces of art by the way, modesty aside, he also complemented  my shoes, mentioning his appreciation for italian makers, what can I say he has a refined  taste! 

And there you have it loves, this was my Yurman’s Experience, nothing comes to mind but the word BLESSED, not only for the opportunity given but also for crossing paths with amazing people that had made a successful trajectory doing what they love the most. Thank you for reading, see you soon! (for Spanish please click on the Translate button)



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